Thursday, July 29, 2010

2010- 07- 28 Big boats

We woke up at the usual time, 6.00 and this time Eeva cooked the porridge. We were sitting in our kayaks heading towards new adventures around 8.30. This day we had the goal set on Kotka, a resonable goal due to the increasing wind. The day went on pretty smooth thought we had some hard places with some more wind. In Kotka we greated on some big boats that were floating in the harbour. After passing the first of 3 big boatroutes we decided to paddle over another one when there was a boat on its way in, in very low speed. It was not close but big boats look bigger when they are heading towards you. After that little excitment in the evening we only had a few kilometers to Kotka guestharbour. We came there around 19.30 and we were going to the store so Eeva and Sigurd went straight to the store and Oskar stayed to guard the stuff and put up tent and fix the kayaks. The day ended with beers and pasta carbonara in a park outside Kotka guestharbour.

Distance: Island SW of Kampuslandet- 1 km S of Kotka guestharbour, 35 km

Wind: 5-9 m/s ENE

Waves: 20- 60 cm

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