The morning started with a late waking up. We´d put the clock on 10.00 after the last nigths paddling. We woke up and got away from our little island a few minutes past 12.00. The first hours went on pretty smooth and we had lunch when we could see the point of Hanko. The only problem we had were when we crossed a big navigation channel, heavy traffic. One sailing crew didnt have alot of attention what were in front of them, but we sped up and got away with 20 meters. After lunch we had around 15 kilometers left and it went easy and we even got a taste of some surfing. In Hanko harbour Eeva waited with her parents, and she were about to join our crew again. We spent the evening eating icecream and enjoying a few beers. And we even met the local energybomb Ida Mansner who came by and showed her car and we exchanged summerstories.
Sight from our tent place:
Distance: Stora ängesön- Hanko marina, 32 km TOT: 1023 km
Wind: 2- 5 m/s WSW
Waves: 0- 40 cm
It's been really nice to be able to follow your journey, but I think this was the best post so far! I absolutely love and enjoy the pure thought of you guys paddling through the summer night somewhere along the south coast.. Now I envy you!