Monday, August 2, 2010
Special thanks!
30/07-2010, day 44, Last day
Distance: Nuokko - Virojoki Kyrkby (motorboat marina) ( 42 km)
Wind: 7-11 m/s from S to SW
Waves: 0.2 - 0.8 M
2010- 07- 29 Sightseeing Kotka
Distance: Kotka- Nuokko, 16 km
Wind: ca 12 m/s E 6.00- 16.00, 0-2 m/s E after 16.00
Waves: 10- 30 cm
Thursday, July 29, 2010
2010- 07- 28 Big boats
Distance: Island SW of Kampuslandet- 1 km S of Kotka guestharbour, 35 km
Wind: 5-9 m/s ENE
Waves: 20- 60 cm
2010-07-27 Bathing cliffs
Distance: Söderholmen- Island SW of Kampuslandet, 42 km
Wind: 1-4 ENE
Waves: 0- 20 cm
Monday, July 26, 2010
26/07-2010, thunder morning
Distance: Kaliosaari - Södaholmen (33 km)
Wind: 1-5 m/s from ENE
Waves: 0.0 - 0.2 M
Total distance: 1204 km
Time: 08:45 - 17:30
2010-07-25 Windy
Distance: Suomenlinna- an island outside Kallahti
Wind: 7- 14 m/s
Waves: 20- 50 cm
2010-07-24 Sightseeing
Wind: 14 m/s ENE
Saturday, July 24, 2010
More pictures
Enjoying the first evening outside Tornio!
One small paddler
Rough weather outside Simo
Friday, July 23, 2010
Midsummer evening with a swedish pole in the ground.
Oskar and Sigurd paddling away after leaving Eeva on Österö.
Day 36 2010-07-23
We ate lunch on a little cliffs near an island called Melkki. Hanna offered us some pasta salad and other nice things before she paddled away and left us on our own again. We soon continued towards Suomenlinna where we had arranged a place for our tents. It's a very nice place here, a lot of old fortresses and exciting dark tunnels and a view to the place where the big boats pass by on their way to Sweden.
Today's saldo was
Lilla Bredskär-Suomenlinna 26 KM
Vind SW 2-6 m/s
Waves 0,0-0,4 m
Day 35 2010-07-22 Sleepy morning
Lilla Bredskär-Lilla Bredskär 0 km
2010- 07- 21 Meet the parents
Distance: Stora långön- Lilla bredskäret 33 km
Wind: 4- 7 m/s SW
Waves: 0- 30 cm
2010-07-20 Feeding the birds
Distance: Träskön- Stora Långö 35 km
Wind: 6- 11 m/s SW
Waves: 20- 60 cm
Monday, July 19, 2010
2010- 07- 19 Surfing
Distance: Hanko marina- Träskön, 42 km TOT: 1065 km
Wind: 4- 9 m/s SW
Wavers: 40- 120 cm
1/07-2010, Hanko
Distance: Stora ängesön- Hanko marina, 32 km TOT: 1023 km
Wind: 2- 5 m/s WSW
Waves: 0- 40 cm
16/07-2010, Paragas
Distance: Iso-maisaari - Paragas Kayak club (25 Km)
Wind: 4-8 m/s from West
Waves:0.0 - 0.5 M
Total Distance: 942 km
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Distance: Kustavi- Maisaari, 42 km
Wind: 0- 4 m/s SE
Waves: 0- 30 cm mostly boats
2010-07-14 Turku archipelago
2010-07-13 lunch bath
Distance: Kuuskajaskari - island sw from Edväinen (37 km)
Wind: 5 - 9 m/s from sw
Waves: 0.0 - 0.5 M
Total distance: 833 km
Monday, July 12, 2010
day 26. 12/07-2010 Rauma
Distance: Hyviluoto - Kuuskajaskari, 41 KM
Wind: 5-9 M/S from SW(again)
Waves0.0 - 0.4 M
2010-07-11 Nice day!
Distance: Merikarvia- Hyviluoto, 53 km
Wind: 0- 4 m/s NW
Waves: 0- 40 cm
Saturday, July 10, 2010
2010-07-10 Mericamping
Distance: Kyrkeskär- Mericamping (Merikarvia) 31 km
Wind: 6- 11 m/s SW
Waves: 0- 50 cm
2010-07-09 Tough day
Distance: Jans cabin(Close to Skrattnäs)- Kyrkeskär 28 km
Wind: 6- 10 m/s even wind from SSW
Waves: 10- 50 cm
day 22. 08/07-2010, Jan's Cabin
day 21. 07/07-2010, long day
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
day 20. 06/07-2010, Skiten
Day 19. 05/07-2010 Vaasa
4/7- 2010
Distance: Västerö(Storgrund)- Köklot fishing harbour, 32 km
Wind: 7- 12 m/s, S- SW
Waves: 0- 40 cm
3/7- 2010, Kött kött!
Distance: Österö fishing harbour- Västerö, 5 km
Wind: 9- 11 m/s SW
Waves: 10- 40 cm
Friday, July 2, 2010
2/7- 2010 Backyard camping
Distance: Sandören- Österö fishing harbour, 36 km
Wind: 1-6 m/s, N- W
Waves: 0- 60 cm
1/7- 2010 Panncake breakfast
Distance: Fellmans trollögrundet- Sandören, 31 KM
Wind: NW- N, 3-6, Waves: 0- 40 cm
Day 14 2010-06-30: Sisu, sauna & sausage
Ulrika had planned to spoil us with sauna and good food. New potatoes, grill beef and sausage with some friends was exactly what we had been missing. Also got a good night sleep in the cottage! Thank you Ulrika once again! You're the best.
Today the wind was s-se 0-6 m/s, waves 0,1-0,3 M and the weather was sunny. Total KM 42.

Day 13 2010-06-29: Crazy killer birds
For this day we got se wind 0-3 m/s, waves 0,0-0,3 M. Really nice. And totally 35,2 KM.
Day 12 2010-06-28: Hamburgers!
For the evening, after some searching, we found a campsite from an island called Pauha in Kekolahti.
This day's wind was w-nw 7 m/s and the weather was sunny. We paddled 31,8 KM.
Day 11 2010-06-27: Day off
The wind was too strong to paddle out so we stayed in and started to figure out our strategies about buying food and getting water. Now with a day off we would have time to take care of those businesses but the question was how to get to Kalajoki. Eeva went in to the friendly cottage to ask about possibilities to ride a bus or hitch hike and came back with a free ride to the centrum. These people really amazed us with their friendliness! Besides a ride to the stores, we got water from their home in Kalajoki. We are saying a big thank you to Eeva and Martti Männistö for all the kindness we got!
With the extra time we got, we decided also to do the laundry. Sigurd offered his day hatch and we got some clean clothes. It was about time!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
day 10 26/06-2010 sauna
day 9. 25/06-2010 Midsommer evening
Day 8. 24/06-2010 mosquito beach
Day 7. 23/06-2010 sleeping with cows
us cross it, and what little wind we had, was comeing from behind.
once we had passed the bay we ate lunch at a nice little sand beach, that was just lying there and waiting for someone to buy it. after lunch we passed the point, and once where came around it, we godt a little wind against us, but it wasent to much, we could still continue for quit a bit. and got around to a cow pasture, with nice grass to sleep on. and very friendly cows, but a little scared. for the whole day we had about 3-6 m/s nad waves around 0.0-0.9 M and a total of 28.5 KM.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 6:2010-06-22
It took it's time to get everything organized and packed but we managed to paddle 28 km anyway and found us from a nice beach in Vehkaperä, near Oulu at 7.30 pm.
p.s. the battery on the computer is getting to it's end, that's why no pictures have come up in awhile. They're coming up later, don't you worry.
Day 5: 2010-06-21
Our goal today was Röyttä island in front of Ii. We came to the island south from it, called Satakari, at 7.45 pm after we had paddled 30 km. There we found a very nice beach, fireplace and not too many mosquitos.

Day 4 2010-06-20: Strong winds

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Day 3: 2010-06-19
Day 2: 2010-06-18
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Getting to Tornio and warming up
The day was fine, mostly sunshine, some clouds and southwest wind. At 4.40 pm and after 21 kilometers and about 4 hours paddling we saw a nice beach and decided to take a short break. That break became a camp site after we saw how nice it was there:

And after awhile we noticed that we're not exactly where we had thought to be. We had very good intentions to paddle along the coast, but found ourselves from a bit further out to the sea. Not so well worked with the compass and all, but we guess we were a bit high from the sea breeze. So far this has probably been the best miss ever.
An overall feeling of the day is that all went well with the paddling and it was great to finally get out here and to the sea!. The boats worked well and so did the paddlers even though we experienced some very chaotic waves at one point. The only problems we discovered were that Oskar found out that his feet are too big to the Nordkapp, and that Eeva's sprayskirt is designed for a lot bigger people. Nothing to worry about though, we'll figure out these size-problems.
Today's question: What is missing from the first picture?
You can place your answers into the comment box.
We are wishing everyone good night!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tired of planning, time to go.
Not that difficult, was it.
Well, enough talking for now and time to go to bed. Next stop Tornio!
Safety plan in Swedish
Startpunkt: Tornio, Röyttä hamn, 17e juni
Mål: Virojoki, beräknat början av augusti
Vi startar preliminärt 17e juni i Tornio Röytta hamn/satama. Vi kommer paddla längs kusten hela vägen till ryska gränsen, Virojoki. Vår plan är att så mycket som möjligt hålla oss inom skärgården och bland öar, det vill säga nära land. Vi har planerat att paddla ca 30 kilometer per dag och om vi inte stöter på något större problem bör turen ta ca 50 dagar. Vi kommer uppdatera vår blogg om resan varje dag vi kan. Ni kan nå oss per telefon varje kväll mellan kl: 20.00-21.00, vi har minst en telefon påslagen då.
GPS, 1:a hjälp utr.*3, extra paddel, flottör*3, pump*3, varma kläder, Telefon*4, FM- Radio (väderinfo), vattenkapacitet/person= 12 liter, fackla rött ljus/rök, cyalymljus
Alla 3 är godkända på kursen Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA). Kursen hålls av Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA). Alla 3 har GrundSäk Nordisk Instruktörslicens (NIL).
Monday, June 7, 2010
10 days to go!
Some other activities have been packing up and updating the gear, asking good advice from more experienced paddlers, test packing the kayak and attempts to enjoy the summer in a city (some have succeeded better than others). Of course, summer will begin for real for us the 17th June with the paddling. Only 10 days to go!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oskar Eriksson, 21, has been a fan of the great outdoors since “mulleskolan” and “solskolan” in his early years, though the interests has grown stronger in the last 5 years. He has grown up close to the woods in Värmland, Sweden and enjoys backcountry skiing and the mountains of Sweden and Norway. Oskar worked in Kebnekaise mountain lodge last summer and felt like he wanted to do more of that kind of stuff, and maybe work with it in the future. He started the course Nordiskt friluftsliv (Nordic Outdoor Studies) last autumn along with the other two paddlers. He’s the least experienced paddler of the three but has most nights spent in tent. His motivation for this expedition is that he wants to see new places and spend a whole summer outdoors and of course to get to paddle along with two friends. Oskar says that it is an adventure to both plan and to execute a tour like this, so after this winter he´s eager to start this trip around Finland.

Eeva Heikkilä, 28, started her outdoor career with a paddling tour with her dad at the age of 2. The experience was mostly frightening because of the exciting voices of the Finnish summer night but luckily there were many better experiences afterwards and since those days she’s been enjoying the outdoor life with family, friends from the scouts and nowadays with studies in becoming a certified wilderness guide, specializing in kayaking. Her greatest motivation to do this trip is that it just sounds like so much fun. Enjoying the nature and friends almost a whole summer is what one would like do every summer. And of course it will be a great experience from both personal and professional point of view.


Our plan is to paddle this distance from Tornio (the northern end of the coast) to Virojoki (near the Russian border in southeast Finland) in about 50 days starting in the middle of June. That’s not a very hardcore-pissing-your-pants-goal, but we are going to take it easy, enjoy the summer and leave the faster achievements to others who are more in a hurry.